When it comes to pricing, all things are negotiable, even FREE! Having said that, here are my preferences…
Highest Preference: I prefer gigs that run 6 weeks or more. The longer the gig, the more likely I will be interested and probably do it for free. Beginning 2021, I am studying functional medicine and seek quite places with internet where I can study and prepare for final exams. I do hope to use the vehicle of house sitting to see the places on my bucket list while I can still travel. Hence, I am particularly interested in long-term gigs (two months or more) in Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hawaii, Italy and other parts of Europe. I also like to do house sits in San Diego and Sacramento, CA, to visit children and grand children.

Shorter gigs: I am always available for dog walking, pet play visits, and assignments of any length in whatever local area I find myself at the time. To help you determine if I am in your area, I post UPDATES on my current and anticipated locations as best I can.
Pricing Factors
My base price for short gigs is $35/day or visit. (That includes travel time and gas so, if you’re just around the corner, I can drop that a bit.) This is for keeping your home clean and safe, watering house plants (as long as you don’t have 100!), watering lawns and outdoor plants, and mowing an average yard. The base price also includes pet care for one mellow dog or up to two cats who do not need special care. For additional pets, dogs that require two walks or more per day, pets that need meds administered more than once daily, and animals that spray or have other behavioral issues, or additional gardening, the price goes up in $5 increments from the base price, depending on the time and energy I feel is involved in the job. For easy jobs of 2-4 weeks with no lawn care, just hanging out with a cat or aged dog who doesn’t need walks, caring for fish — that sort of thing — I am happy to work for free if you are some place nearby or where I want to be.

Don’t hesitate to contact me with an offer! You never know where I might be willing to go or do. I have made many great friends through house sitting so I love to hear from people and what they need. Who knows? It may be just what I’m looking for.
Contact me here for questions, to set up an interview, or other needs.
Thanks, and have a great day!!